Technical Support

User Support

If you are unable to troubleshoot your Cine RT System issue using our video library or manual, please fill out the following form and a member of our team will contact you ASAP. Please provide your contact details and a brief description of the issue and what steps you have taken to fix it. If you can show the issue occurring, please upload a photo in addition to a written description of the issue. If you are sending a support request outside of our business hours, please be aware that we may not be able to assist you until the next business day.

Hardware Damage Support

Focusbug Technologies in Vancouver, Canada is the primary repair facility for all Cine RT System Hardware. We have contracts with major shipping organizations to facilitate the fastest transportation of your equipment and trained technical staff to assure the quickest possible turnaround time for all repairs. In most cases of hardware damage, we email you shipping paperwork and instructions to make the process fast and easy. For non-warranty repairs, shipping costs will be added at the time the repair is invoiced to reduce the turnaround time required to get your Cine RT System to our shop and ultimately back to you.

First Name *
Email *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Select a support topic
Damaged Cine RT Component
E.g. Base Sensor, Handset, etc.

If this repair is covered by a production company's insurance, please fill out the following:

Production Name
Production Contact & Title
Production Phone Number
Date of Accident

Return Shipping Address

Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
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Please upload supporting photo (PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF)